The best thing about the Official Godzilla website is definetly the over all design.
It's a very good looking website. It's also a very easy website to navigate, it splits
up the movies, the monsters, the store, and the news into separate catagories of course,
but from there it further divides them all up to make navigation easier. So if you just
want to buy a shirt or look at only the new Godzilla movies, you can.
Cons of the Official Godzilla Website
The color choices are kind of all over the place. Starts as red, white, and black, but then has a random red and blue gradiant area.
A severe lack of information, particularly on the movie and monster pages.
It randomly says "scroll" in tiny text at the top of the home page.
When scrolling up, the word "GODZILLA" that links back to the home page pops up and on some pages obscures information.