Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is a large bipedal ape, usually described as being between seven to twelve feet tall, covered in dark hair, and capable of walking similarly to a human. They're most commonly reported in the pacific northwest, the appalachian mountain range, and the Florida everglades. Bigfoot is one of the most famous cryptids, right up there with the Loch Ness Monster and the Chupacabra, but unlike those two, bigfoot has been reported an uncountable amount of times, been photographed on many occasions, been heard and recorded multiple times, and there are numerous footprint casts that have been collected over the years. Of course, much of it likely isn't real, and plenty are flat out hoaxes. Still, there is an undeniably large amount of reports from across the United States. Just about every state has at least one bigfoot sighting. Even Kansas.
A Case For The Kansas Bigfoot
While bigfoot is not known for being native to Kansas, there have been a number of sighting of the creature over the years. The BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) has documented almost 50 different reports from the state. The counties with the most sightings being Sedgwick and Kingman, both with four, followed by Crawford and Jackson with three each. It's interesting to note that Kansas is typically considered a low activity spot for bigfoot, yet he has more reports than any other cryptid in the state. Most of the sightings documented by the BFRO are from motorists who spotted a large strange creature while driving, and some are sightings from fishermen. There have also been a number of tracks found. It's also worth noting a few of these reports describe a large hairy creature that was white or light gray, not your typical black or brown. The time frame for these reports are very broad, with some being from the 1970s, while others are as recent as 2021.
Surrounding States
While Kansas may not be considered a bigfoot hot spot, many of the surrounding states are. According to the BFRO, almost all of the states surrounding Kansas rank in the top 15 states with the most bigfoot activity.
State | Number of Sightings |
Washington | 708 |
California | 461 |
Florida | 338 |
Ohio | 318 |
Illinois | 302 |
Orgeon | 257 |
Texas | 253 |
Michigan | 225 |
Missouri | 166 |
Georgia | 140 |
Colorado | 130 |
Pennsylvania | 126 |
New York | 120 |
Kentucky | 115 |
Oklahoma | 111 |
Most of these states are known for bigfoot sightings. If you find yourself in the Pikes Peak area of Colorado, you'll be bombarded by bigfoot merchandise, statues, and crossing signs. Because of the fact you're constantly being told to keep an eye out for the creature, it may lead to an increase in hoaxes or people convincing themselves they saw something that wasn't there. However in Kansas this is hardly the case. You might see a bigfoot cutout sign in someone's yard, but that's usually the most you'll find in the sunflower state. Because of this, it adds just a bit more credibility to the reports from Kansas. No one expects to see a bigfoot in Kansas.

The Hunt for Kansas's Bigfoot
In 2014, Animal Planet's hit show, "Finding Bigfoot" filmed an episode in the state, where the team came to investigate a series of track photos taken in Kansas. The team pin pointed a cluster of reports along Kansas's rivers and creeks. They speculated that bigfoot traveled along the rivers since it's where the denses tree cover grew, as well as providing plenty of food and water. However, the team's investigation was extremely uneventful, even for the show's standards, and it was speculated that bigfoots aren't common in Kansas due to the shifting temperatures and weather.
Finding Bigfoot Clip